maanantai 9. tammikuuta 2012

Poor, rich.. still a kid

There are a lot of youngsters in the world but everyone has a different life and lifestyles. Everyone is a own special person and there's no one other that has just the same personality or look that you have. And I really think that it is a richness to all of us. There's a lot of different things that affects that what kind of people and persons are we for example genes, residential area, family and it's habits, culture and the biggest thing is where do you live, do you live in a really rich area for example L.A. or in a really poor area in Africa. Money has a really big influence to lifestyle.
by Espen Faugstad
I think it's great and suspenseful to be a youngster because often we just do things without thinking and that is mostly the way we learn things of course that isn't always the best way to learn things but after all we are in a really curious, cranky and special life section.
by superUbO
Many youngsters lifestyle, freedom and responsibility are depended by how their parent has rased their kids. Some parents are extremely concerned, strict and nurturing and usually that kind of raising makes youngsters a good adults. But there are also many parents who doesn't care what their child is doing, who is he or she hanging with or when does he or she come home and that kind of raising isn't good for child because usually those childs are doing what they want and they have to make their own roles on their own and really easily they can get in a trouble.

by Whiskeygonebad
My parents are guite strict but I only think that in the end they are thinking what is best for me and that I would have as good future as I could get. They has reached me how to use my money so I have bought my clothes and that kind of stuff for many years already. And I am working so I get my money from there.  In the end we are all valuable and it doesn't matter who has raised or where have we been raised.

3 kommenttia:

  1. That is kind of sad that money has so big influence to our lifestyles. But it's good that it doesn't mean we couldn't have a happy childhood even if we don't have so much money. And that really is true: we are all valuable, no matter what.

  2. Home environment and parents, of course, have a big influence on how children grow up. Sometimes I think that here in Finland parents expect their children to grow up and be quite independent far too early. In many other countries children can stay carefree children for much longer, which, in my opinion, is not necessarily a bad idea. Or what do you think?
