by Seema K K
by Sailing "Footprints: Real to Reel" (Ronn ashore)
A human is a really wise creation. Human has developed a lot by increasing their knowledge. Nowadays it's not rare to be highly educated. Certainly it needs a lot of work to get there but it's worth of it. There's no effortless way to get to the top but you just have to enlarge your knowledge, study hard and keep your motivation up.
I think that the claim ''You are what you know'' is true because we learn new things everyday.What if I got stuck where I am now? If I don't learn anything new anymore it would be awful and miserable. I think that our minds would be terribly blank without learning.
by Jennuine Captures
Anyhow learning isn't just studying because we learn new things from ordinary things like I really don't buy that you could learn emotional things from a book and study them. I think that things like that you really have to undergo. You don't learn to love by reading a book or to miss by studying.
It's nice to see your point of view! We humans are all so similar, but still so different compared to each others. And about the learning, I just wonder, why in earth many students hate school so much? That is what makes our brain work and our minds would blank!
Veera had a good point that we are all so similar, but still so different. This is same with knowledge. Here in Finland everybody has the same basic knowledge that we have taught at school. The difference is how we use that knowledge. Using knowledge in the right way is actually a very good skill, a skill that you can learn in school.
VastaaPoistaVeera I agree we should be grateful that we doesn't have to pay thousands of euros to get to school. And without school we wouldn't get good jobs and so on..
VastaaPoistaMilena, yes she does. And I really think that there's no stupid people they just doesn't know how to use their knowledge and they makes wrong decisions. And everyone needs a school to enlarge their knowledge because no one has all that knowledge without studying.
VastaaPoistaThere certainly are many different ways and methods to learn new things, and know more. Just as you pointed out - it's not only schools and academis studies that teaches you valuable knowledge and skills. As a teacher, I really enjoyed reading that all of you value school, too, though.