When I was four or six years old we had a gottage and I don’t even remember where was it but I do remember some highlights from there. It was really nice and calming place and even tough I was that young I do remember a lot of things from there. The cottage was in a little island and there was no one else but us. So because it was in a island we had to always go there with a little rowing boat. One day we went bouting. When we were in the middle of ocean we saw a mediheli and we thought that someone was in a danger and we all were just looking to the sky. All suddenly I watched to the bottom of our bout and I saw that it was filling with water and I said to my mother ‘’Why is there water in our bout?’’ And then my parent looked to the bottom and they noticed that we were sinking. We had forgotten the plug to our gottage with would had prevented the water coming into our bout. We realized that we were in a hurry otherwise we would had sinked. We rowed very fast to our cottage and we pulled it trough but it was really close that we would had been the ones who would needed the mediheli.
I am relieved, that you didn't have to swim back to the shore. I hope that I could one day get a cottage, for my future retirement days.
VastaaPoistaExcept minor mistakes, it's a really good story.
Nice pictures. Niilo T
I was relieved too because I was so young that I would had been in a real danger. We don't have our cottage anymore but then it was really nice to go there but I think that nowadays I wouldn't even go there so often because I am so busy woman haha.
VastaaPoistaI bet you haven't forgotten the plug since! Luckily you managed to get back that time.
VastaaPoista(PS. I do hope that one day you will edit this text with the recommendations you got. It will give a much better impression of you to prospective readers!)